DIRECT MESSAGE TO PRESIDENT BIDEN: “Only an experienced President, with courage and character like you would solve the Southern Cameroons Virus:”
Dear President Biden, After engaging in grassroots campaigns like millions of my fellow American compatriots to vote for YOU as the 46th President of the United States of America, this is not the time I intended to write this kind of letter to you, My President, in your first 16 days in office. However, catastrophic circumstances have prompted me to do just this, after seeing, reading, hearing and viewing videos of mass murder, mass graves, grave physical and emotional torture, of people including women, children and the elderly in Southern Cameroons.
It is unbelievable that, in spite such oppression and excruciating pain and suffering in Southern Cameroons, not even one civilized nation has come forward to protect these wretched of the earth, nor defend their inalienable rights to life, freedom and liberty in the Security Council of the United Nations. We thank God today that you are finally in the Oval office. We pray God to grant you wisdom and fortitude not to fall for the manoeuvres of paid lobbyists in Washington, like previous administrations fell. We pray God to grant you wisdom and fortitude not to fall for the manoeuvres of the Catholic Church in Rome or the HD in Switzerland like the previous administration also fell. We ask God to grant you the same energy and stamina, foresight and fortitude he gave you in 1976 to lead the voices in the U.S. Senate against the white supremacist regime of apartheid South Africa, so that you can also liberate the oppressed people of Southern Cameroons from the occupier and oppressive regime in East Cameroon and deny hate a safe harbor.
President Biden, inspired by your words that; “no foreign policy can be sustained in the United States of America without the informed consent of the American people,” my message is intended as information and as a direct appeal to you, from the bottom of my heart, as your fellow American citizen to quickly do something and end the ongoing genocidal war you have inherited from President Trump that is ravaging homes and entire villages, killing scores of people and cutting shot unrealized dreams in Southern Cameroons, on a daily basis. Don’t fall for any “cheap Catholicism sentiments” which the conspiracy theorists try to stir in you, in your early days in office, in an attempt to continue to hide the dangerous 60 years old political pandemic that has been eating silently deep into the existential survival of the people of Southern Cameroons.
President Biden, like the COVID-19 pandemic, it will require all the courage inside your body and the content of all the characters of your supporting staff to dig very deep into the root causes of the war against the people of Southern Cameroons, as the only available leeway to eliminate the 60 years old socio-economic and politico-military virus that the United States of America warned the United Nations General Assembly against, on April 21, 1961. In the last four weeks, the French Cameroon regime in Yaounde has killed more than a hundred people (all of them Southern Cameroonians) who are legitimately asking for their freedom and respect of their economic and political rights, just like all other human beings in the world do.
President Biden, let me kindly ask you an essential question; how many people do you think have been brutally and barbarically killed in Southern Cameroons by the French Cameroon regime, whose military receive training, equipment and money from the sweat of American tax payers since President Paul Biya, first openly declared war on the people of Southern Cameroons on November 30, 2017 at the Yaounde Nsimalen International Airport?
President Biden, how many people do you think the French Cameroon regime in Yaounde, whose military receive training, equipment and money from the sweat of American tax payers, have been displaced internally and externally, to date, and how many of these externally displaced Southern Cameroonians do you think are fleeing the genocidal war in Cameroon, to put pressure on our South American borders, on our immigration, on our economy and on our national security?
Dear President Biden, the only reason President Biya started the ongoing genocidal war against the people of Southern Cameroons was because of a failed assimilation policy (due to linguistic and cultural differences) that was put in place by former colonial powers carefully calculated for President Ahmadou Ahidjo and President Paul Biya (the only 2 Presidents to have ruled Cameroon in 60 years) to assimilate the “English speaking people” in order to forcefully and illegally integrate the territory of French Cameroon that gained independence from France on January 1st 1960 with the oil and gas rich territory of Southern Cameroons that separately gained independence from Great Britain on October 1st 1961, with a population of over eight million people and a total surface area of 42,710 km2, (bigger than most European, South American and some African nations).
President Biden, ever since President Biya started this genocidal war, citizens from Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana have been shockingly shot and killed. A fellow United States missionary and citizen, Charles Wesco was also shot and killed near the town of Bamenda by the Cameroon military on October 30, 2018, yet our Government in Washington is still to go beyond the mere mention of the name - Charles Wesco in different reports to openly conduct an independent investigation, publish its findings to the American people, and hold his killers fully accountable under the law.
President Biden, ever since President Biya started this war, we have seen crying mothers and crying female children digging graves to bury their slaughtered husbands and their slaughtered male children who have been brutally and barbarically killed right in front of them by the Cameroun military that enjoy military cooperation with our Government, thanks to us the tax payers some of whose families are often the victims.
President Biden, ever since President Biya started this war against the people of Southern Cameroons, in order to perpetuate the illegal exploitation of oil and gas and other natural resources, this conflict has caused considerable instability and human suffering, with more than 20,000 deaths linked to the conflict, approximately 2,000,000 people are in need of humanitarian assistance, approximately 100,000 Southern Cameroonian refugees have fled to Nigeria, Ghana and elsewhere, and approximately 1,000,000 persons are internally displaced and America has not done enough to stop this terrorist regime.
President Biden, it is clear from the Ngarbuh massacre, the Kumba school massacre, the Mautu massacre and the Meta Quarters massacre that the international community learned nothing in Rwanda. The risk of Rwanda repeating itself in Southern Cameroons is now extremely high and only your administration can prevent it. As someone who was born and raised in Southern Cameroons and witnessed, first-hand, the way the “English speaking people” were being manhandled by the dictatorial and oppressive regime of French Cameroon, I fear for every family. I fear for every foreign national. I fear for any human being with a political point of view that is different from what the Yaounde regime wants to hear. I fear for every American citizen and their families back home in Cameroon. The killing of Charles Wesco is always a reminder, in this regard, and will never be forgotten.
President Biden, the French Cameroon regime and their sponsors have shamelessly peddled dangerous falsehoods about the ongoing genocidal war in Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia despite warnings from the State Department, despite Resolutions from the United States Senate and despite damaging and incriminating reports from human rights organizations. Just last weekend, those lies found themselves again in Yaounde and in Bamenda where His Eminence Pietro Cardinal Parolin, Pope Francis’ envoy visited Cameroon. The purpose of this visit, Mr. President, was purely political and Machiavellian. It was not for any genuine peace intended to initiate genuine talks between the French Cameroon regime and the separatist movement.
President Biden, rather, the whole purpose of the Church trying to do this is either a calculated footstep to shield the French Cameroon regime from accountability under the Biden administration that is breaking away from President Trump’s “isolationist policy” or the Pope in Rome has been deceived by the lying regime in Yaounde to believe that the war is over and therefore, what is needed now is “peace and reconciliation”. It is not true. President Biden, you have the best intelligence gathering apparatus and men and women, the world has ever known. You can find out for yourself whether graveyard silence is equal to peace and you don’t need to be told by the Church. You can find out for yourself whether “President Paul Biya has won the war as claimed by his ministers and also find out whether President Paul Biya is still the person at the helm of power in Cameroon. You don’t need anyone to do any “photo staging” for you. You can make your own personal judgment whether there can be any meaningful reconciliation before negotiations. You can make your own personal judgment whether there can be any peace before a ceasefire? Their prayers and hope are that America should not intervene or offer to mediate in this conflict so that the dictatorial regime can buy additional time needed for the unavoidable and imminent transition to put President Biya’s successor in power and kill as many more Southern Cameroonians as possible, so that they could give up the fight for their freedom and for their rights.
President Biden, if you use your intelligence gathering agencies wisely and listen carefully to your Secretary of State, and the men and women of integrity in the American diplomatic corps, who can better advise you on the history of the independence of the two Cameroons, and on the root causes of the ongoing genocidal war, their conclusions will lead you to one solution found in an expression you have often used around the world, through out your career that: “you never tell another man or woman what's in their interest. They know their interest better than you know their interest.” Allowing the people of Southern Cameroons to decide their fate after 60 years of a failed criminal policy of assimilation and to choose their own future through a special ‘Referendum” (organized only for Southern Cameroonians) excluding French Cameroonian citizens is the ultimate best legal and humanitarian mechanism to take, to resolve this despute. And all you have to do as President of the free world is to affirm the will of the people of Southern Cameroons who are getting killed and unjustifiably crushed like the will of the American people almost got crushed and hijacked on Capitol Hill by a rightist mob before it got affirmed and reaffirmed in Washington D.C on January 20th 2021.
President Biden, deceitful diplomacy is another virus which has almost ruined good works. It is about time to remove this virus which has killed thousands of people especially in Southern Cameroons. It is crucial we now revisit the warning to the American government by Clement Zablovski, former Chairman of house foreign affairs committee speaking in the General Assembly Meeting on 6 August 1959: "The United States congratulates the people of the Southern Cameroons for their accession to auto-determination it constitutes the will of the population who wants to run its affairs democratically" (On the idea of unification) "The results of a hurried choice imposed on the population of the Trust Territory would be catastrophic for their political future." By Clement J. Zablocki(D.WI), USA. Chairman of House Foreign Affairs Committee, speaking at the UN General Assembly Meeting of 6th August 1959. Sir, I want you to know that hearts are hurting in each and every home in Southern Cameroons. It is a very sad time for all of us citizens of this great nation who originate from Southern Cameroons and for all of us living in the Diaspora, to be watching how our people get massacred daily, villages get torched daily and dreams get killed daily in our home country called Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia.
President Biden, if you were in Cameroon today, your life will also be in danger. For instance, former US Ambassador to Cameroun, Peter Henry Barlerin was given death threats, on Cameroon National Television that he would be “killed and mailed back in a wooden coffin”. This threat was not taken up seriously due to the nonchalant foreign policy of the previous administration. In actual fact, what the Papacy did in Cameroon to try to move past ahead of any initiative by your administration to find a just and lasting solution to the ongoing genocidal war in Southern Cameroons was predicted by my humble self, and it was one of the saddest experiences in my entire life. I never thought that the church will ever go to dinner with either a tyrant or an oppressive regime, but I was mistaken. In the present case, I am not the only one who is shocked by the new found alliance between the Papacy and the Yaounde regime, to the extent the Pope even forgets about the unending killings and disappearances of several priests , pastors, clergymen, and Reverend sisters in Cameroon, linked to this very regime. The question on everyone’s lips is that if the church does not even have the moral courage to condemn the Yaounde regime for the suspected killing of its own servants, which shows they are comfortable with the oppressors, how then will it be possible for them to mediate between the regime in Yaounde and the oppressed represented by separatist movements to end the war, and achieve a win-win outcome?
President Biden, all I want you to know is that we all trust you and support you because we believe you are not going to pass down this conflict to another President of the United States of America. You will intervene and bring both sides to the negotiation table where the root causes of the war will be examined as the only means by which the ongoing conflict could be resolved, once and for all. What is happening in Southern Cameroons is state sponsored, supervised, commanded and executed terrorism against the people of the so-called North West and South West regions, who are legitimately asking for liberation from the annexationist government of Cameroun. The Cameroun Government received an enormous amount of military training, material and financial support from the United States Government, which are being used to commit genocidal crimes against the people of Southern Cameroons.
President Biden, for this reason, the military cooperation between your administration and the Yaounde regime should be reviewed, in line with the Leahy Laws that prohibit the U.S. Department of State and Department of Defence from providing military assistance to foreign security force units that violate human rights with impunity and it also does this for the purpose of accountability and in strict respect of American values that make our great nation special and respected in the eyes of the world.
President Biden, by simply defending American values and calling for the strict respect of the rule of law, as defined under the “Leahy Amendments,” and as voted by the United States under Resolution 1608(XV) of 21/04/1961 wherein the UNGA prescribed how and when the trusteeship agreement over Southern Cameroons was to be terminated, America will be protecting and saving millions of Southern Cameroonian lives in danger of being terminated, today.
President Biden, for four years and counting, the world leaders were deceived with golden statuettes from President Paul Biya, to turn a blind eye on the crimes, corruption and blatant abuse of human rights and genocide of his tyrannical regime against the peace-loving and God-fearing people of Southern Cameroons. For four years today, our government has been waiting for other nations to lead a mediation process that will end the genocidal war in Southern Cameroons, under a failed “AMERICAN FIRST” foreign policy. This gave a blind and ill-advised approval to a “Swiss led process” that turned out to be a very big scam. This scam was initiated, negotiated and exploited by corrupt Cameroonian regime officials and their moles (infiltrators) planted right inside the separatist movement in a bid to buy more time, to commit more atrocities against armless civilians in Southern Cameroons. America can no longer look away. President Biden, I know you are a man of great faith, who won’t stoop so low and fall so cheap to the chicaneries of the Church and the genocidal regime in Yaounde. What is happening to the people of Southern Cameroons today is being promoted, instigated and advanced by colonial cartels. You cannot allow anyone play over your faith or try to pass through your Catholicism to evade the law, disrespect American values, commit human rights abuses and deny the will of the people to be free.
President Biden, I know you care much about minority peoples, I know you care much about the poor and underprivileged peoples not only in America but all over the world. Don’t allow the Catholic Church in Rome or the lobbyist in Washington to tell you why, what, when and how to resolve the 60 years old Southern Cameroons question. The Southern Cameroons question or conflict is like the COVID-19 virus, which has killed thousands of our people back home and ruined their economic lives making them to depend only on the goodwill of some American philanthropists, like myself and their families in the diaspora. For this virus to be removed, it will require not the long time alliance of the church and the Biya regime in Yaounde, but it will take the courage and expertise of credible members of your cabinet, like our very experienced Secretary of State, Antony Blinken; Our credible and trustworthy Vice President Kamala Harris and Linda Thomas-Greenfield (nominee for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations) and Senators (both Republicans and Democrats). President Biden, working strictly with your very experienced cabinet over the war in Southern Cameroons will prevent your administration from getting entangled with alliances forged by Britain, France, Switzerland and China, whose dealings with the Yaounde regime over the world class oil and gas deposits located in the disputed Southern Cameroons territory muted and blinded them from seeing, protecting and preventing human rights violations and genocide in Southern Cameroons.
President Biden, from the forgone, the Southern Cameroons/ Ambazonia people are wondering; if there is any genocidal crime too insignificant, are there any diplomatic relationships too big not to be questioned, is there any blood of the innocent spilled too little, and brutality against unarmed civilians too small for America to hold a brutal and barbaric dictator accountable for money and military training which America provides them? Is there any justification, too significant for America to have supported the creation of the South Sudan nation? Is there any rationale too relevant for America to have supported the creation of the Israeli nation and Kuwait?
President Biden, is there any “union treaty” between the Republic of Cameroun (born January 1st 1960 and Southern Cameroons (born October 1st 1961)? To the best of my knowledge, there is no “union treaty” between the two former British and French colonies which makes it easy to resolve the root cause of the problem for the Biden administration instead of leaving the problem in the hands of some church organization or nation with special oil interest ties to the longest serving African dictator. In the highest interest of protecting human life, liberty and freedom, in the highest interest of promoting global peace and security, in the highest interest of upholding American values and promoting the rule of law, it is in the highest national security interest of the United States of America to take the lead in removing this 60 years old virus that has killed more than 20,000 people including a fellow American missionary by:
1. Immediately imposing, monitoring and supervising a ceasefire agreement, between both sides, aimed at protecting vulnerable populations including children, women and the elderly.
2. Correctly recognize the right to the restoration of the independence of Southern Cameroons which America voted for on April 21st 1961, by first starting with an affirmation of the right to self-determination of the people of Southern Cameroons as an effective preventive measure, without which the Yaounde regime and its backers will not accord any value to the lives of the people of Southern Cameroons being cut shot on almost a daily basis.
3. Immediately implementing recommendations of the United Sates Senate under Res. 684 of January 1, 2021.
4. Consider freezing, without further delay, all kinds of military cooperation with the Yaounde regime, in line with the Leahy Laws and in strict respect of American values of human rights and freedoms.
5. Investigations as to who currently rules Cameroon should be carried for purposes of establishing the truth, assigning responsibility and holding individuals either severally or individually accountable.
6. President Biden, because you said; “we Americans think, in every country in transition, there's a Thomas Jefferson hiding behind some rock or a James Madison beyond one sand dune,” I also believe those who can help quickly resolve this conflict are being held behind fortified bars and therefore, encourage you to forcefully demand that the Yaounde regime immediately release, Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and all other Southern Cameroonian leaders and separatist being held in Nkondengui and other stinking detention facilities throughout the country.
President Biden, again you once said: “Look, freedom is an overwhelming American notion. The idea that we want to see the world, the peoples of the world free is something that all of us subscribe to.” I totally agree with you and all of my fellow brothers and sisters all American citizens who either voted or did not vote for you agree completely with you and support you on making this great statement.
President Biden, as senator, we are all proud of your record and as a leading voice in the U.S. Senate against the white supremacist regime of apartheid. But your job is far from being complete in Africa because of the ongoing genocide in Southern Cameroons you have inherited from President Trump. “Hate must have no safe harbor—then and now.” I pray that in removing the Southern Cameroons virus you would be guided by the warning from the SG of the U.N. which said, "Uniting the Southern Cameroons to the Cameroun Republique is like forcing a balloon under the sea. One day, it will come out." Dag Hammarkjold, UN Secretary General, 1953-1961.
Similarly, warning against the conspiracy not to disrespect the will of the people of Southern Cameroons, the British MP for Dundee East, Mr GM Thompson frowned that “If anything goes wrong in the Southern Cameroons on or after 1 October – we pray it will not- the British government and the British People will get the blame for it ...” And today, we are all living witnesses. All these dire warnings have come to pass.
President Biden, the bible says in Luke 12:48 that “to whom much is given, much will be required.” This means that what you did for black folks in South Africa while a senator, now as President of the United States of America and President of the free world, you can even do better for the people of Southern Cameroons.
President Biden, may God grant you the character and wisdom you need to remove the longstanding Southern Cameroons political pandemic just as HE is helping you to fight and defeat the COVID-19 pandemic for the American people and the people of the world.