MAFAC donates two sewing machines to PHOENIX RIVAL.
Motive; To counter prostitution, drug abuse and other social ills caused by the war in Southern Cameroon/Ambazonia.
Phoenix Rival is a social enterprise whose primordial aim is to assist single mothers and prostitutes off the streets by providing vocational training programs.
Phoenix Rival was founded by Ngwain Sih Elizabeth in 2017. An Internally displaced woman as a result of the southern Cameroon war.
After her bachelor's degree, she moved to Douala. She lived in a neighbourhood inhabited by desperate single mothers and prostitutes. To her, this was a nightmare that almost became her reality. Mothers and single ladies engaging in sexual activities in exchange for money. Seeing these women engage at the view of children was so heart breaking to her. She wondered if this would be the fate of the children as they grow up.
She remained determined not to join the crew of prostitutes. She safed herself by engaging and upgrading her skills in tailoring. Jobs came and she finally left the slumps .
She put it upon herself as an assignment to rehabilitate "Broken women "; Prostitutes, desperate single mothers and frustrated internally displaced women.
This was her motivation when she thought about obtaining a master in Busuiness management and Entrepreneurship. She formally enrolled and engaged. While in school, she wrote a pitch aimed at helping and organising the lives of those women in the slumps.
Her impressed lecturer told her to not only give out money , but to help these women obtain a more sustainable means of financial stability. This advice gave birth to Phoenix Rival Enterprise.
An institution whose motive is to train women on skill acquisition. Skills like ; tailoring, designing, candle making, fish farming, beads and bag making.
Phoenix Rival Enterprise functions on the basics of three modules;
1) Free Rehabilitation of broken women (internally displaced as a result of the war).
2) Individual Capacity building.
3) Communtiy Capacity Buidling.
List of Trades offered by Phoenix Rival Association;
1) + Wig making
2) + Home Sanitary products (liquid and powder soaps).
3) + Interior Home Decor
4) + Juice and Desert making
5) + African beads making
6) + Cap making
7) + Bag making
8) + Baking (exclusively for community capacity building ).
9) + Tailoring ( exclusively for the rehabilitation program)
10) + Agriculture (for all modules ).
This move by the internally displaced young lady is very impressive and commendable. It's in this regards that MAFAC/ USP's founder and chairman, Dr. David Makongo donates two sewing machines to Phoenix Rival Enterprise as a gesture of encouragement and motivation.
Name: Phoenix Rival Enterprise
Location: CAMEROON, Littoral Region, Douala, Bonaberi, Entrèe Fokou.