Detainees with Rashes, Swollen Legs Get Mafac Assistance
The detention conditions have been pathetic for the close to fifty sixth Southern Cameroons detainees, in one of the lock up facilities in the Littoral Region, French Cameroun. Some of the detainees were reportedly arrested in the Southern Cameroons. Apart from sleeping conditions, their feeding remains a big challenge. This prompted Mafac to heed to their cry. “We eat corn with few drops of oil. Some grains of beans are mixed with insects which we cannot clearly identify. We live on that daily. We are suspecting seriously that the food is the cause of rashes on our body, swollen legs and that it is making us not to be able to stand on our feet. We stagger and tremble. Please help us we are dying,” one of the detainees cried out to Mafac, June 18.
True to its commitment to support the vulnerable, Mafac dispatched a team of volunteers to the detention facility. Food with protein was made available to the detainees. Mafac intends to make supplementary feeding to the Southern Cameroons detainees’ constant.