General Mamadi DOUMBOUYA, the Makongo Family Charity Foundation (MAFAC) offer international scholarships......
The Makongo Family Charity (MAFAC )
Mafac focuses on health care, education, children with special needs, women empowerment, and community development. .
Children With Special Needs
Mafac’s Children With Special Need program, managed by the Deputy Board Chairperson, offers solutions for families with children with various disorders, including medical and developmental delays, through donors and United Support for Peace.
Humanitarian Aid
Ernest Utual, a Cameroonian man shot by the military, faced financial challenges after being taken to Nigeria for medical bills and lack of food. In May 2018, the Makongo Family Charity provided an emergency fund, enabling Utual to pay some of his medical bills.
Want to help? Become a Volunteer Now!
Mafac/USP welcomes volunteers from all works of life without distinction to gender or religion. Mafac/USP make use of volunteers all over the world in the implementation of its projects. The volunteers must usually be residents of areas where projects are implemented. Mafac/USP work only with volunteers who have a sense of hard work, selflessness, moral rectitude, humility and forthrightness.