MAFAC offers scholarships to six young people for Ghana in the name of General Mamadi Doumbouya

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MAFAC offers scholarships to six young people for Ghana in the name of General Mamadi Doumbouya

MAFAC offers scholarships to six young people for Ghana in the name of General Mamadi Doumbouya

This Tuesday, August 27, 2024, under the high patronage of the Head of State, General Mamadi DOUMBOUYA, the Makongo Family Charity Foundation (MAFAC) must offer international scholarships to six (6) young Guineans for Ghana.

The award ceremony will take place at 4:00 p.m. at the Kaloum Hotel in Conakry.

It would be chaired by Prime Minister Amadou Oury BAH.

These 100% free scholarships are accompanied by accommodation and support costs.