General Mamadi DOUMBOUYA, the Makongo Family Charity Foundation (MAFAC) offer international scholarships......
We’re Building Strong Reputation
One of the greatest weaknesses in these global orphan estimates is that they include only orphans who are currently living in homes.
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Our Mission.
The Makongo Family Charity, MAFAC is the brainchild of the Makongos, who intervene and reach out to vulnerable and deprived people and communities all over the world. Mafac focuses basically in domains of health, community development, education among others depending on its programs. From very humble beginnings through life challenges, Dr. Makongo and family wish to share whatever God has given them with others in need.
Before the advent of Mafac, United Support for Peace, USP, has been handling various humanitarian and community development projects for the Makongo Family Charity, Mafac. USP was founded in 2011 in Colorado, North Carolina, USA and has liaison offices in France, Cameroun, Nigeria, Ghana, Guinea and other countries around the world. USP volunteers in all these countries execute human and developmental projects while Mafac provides all the resources and donations. Since its inception, the USP has been able to construct a Mafac-sponsored water catchment, provided medical assistance to many vulnerable people in Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana and other countries. It has intervened and resolved conflicts in Ghana, Rwanda and in Guinea between mining companies and local communities. Mafac and USP are working in synergy to help the needy and promote humanitarian values. USP however has some components in its organigram like empowerment of youths and citizen participation in development, advocacy, training, peace building, promotion for the respect of rule of law and basic democratic principles in different countries around the world.
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News & Events
Mines-Media: Dr. David Makongo, a New Ambassador for the Promotion and Social Peace of the Association Notre Voix
General Mamadi DOUMBOUYA, the Makongo Family Charity Foundation (MAFAC) offer international scholarships......
The Sidikila District Emerges from Obscurity: Social and Administrative Infrastructures Everywhere, Thanks to Local Authorities and GBG
General Mamadi DOUMBOUYA, the Makongo Family Charity Foundation (MAFAC) offer international scholarships......
MAFAC offers scholarships to six young people for Ghana in the name of General Mamadi Doumbouya
General Mamadi DOUMBOUYA, the Makongo Family Charity Foundation (MAFAC) offer international scholarships......
Board of Directors

Dr. David Makongo
Board Chair (MAFAC/UISP)
An International business mining lawyer, expert mediator and a philanthropist, dedicated to improving the human condition. “There is no reason for a few to be eating while majority are still starving or for some to be rich while most people remain poor. Ours is therefore to battle to bridge the gap between the haves and have nots,” - Dr David Makongo.